Debaters Progress to Regional Finals

Our Debating Competition Team were speaking in the second North West round of the English Speaking Union's Mace Competition in Blackburn earlier this week.
Our speakers were Oskar, Alice and Sandy. Thank you to Tayo, and Iona who came along to support the team.
It was an exciting night! Our former opposition, St George's dropped out and had to be replaced at the last minute by a swing team from another school and there were only 2 places up for grabs in the regional finals.
LRGS have progressed, along with North Halifax Grammar School, to the regional finals for North Wales and the North West of England.
There are 12 regional finals across England and Wales and one team from each will progress to the finals day.
We find out next week our motion and who we're competing against.
Miss Mitchell, Head of English is very proud of the team: "They did incredibly well and the standard was very high".