The information entered on this form will be recorded on the school's computer administration system and will remain confidential. Information has only been requested which will be required by the school for day-to-day administration purposes, or which at some point will be required by the Department for Education as part of National statistics. The school is registered under the Data Protection Act, and you have the right to check, and if necessary, correct the information which is held about you.
Please ensure all information is correct before clicking 'submit'. False information may invalidate the application.
Candidate information
Note: Parents must inform the Governors of Lancaster Royal Grammar School of any change of address which may take place after the completion of this form and before September 2025.
Address of Parent(s) / Guardians
Postal salutation (how letters should be addressed to you e.g. Mr & Mrs AB Smith)
If the candidate is not living with parents, give the name and address of his guardian or person with whom he habitually resides or: for a boarder whose parents are living overseas, give the name and address of the UK guardian.
Present School
Please state if your son has any special educational needs or any medical conditions which may be relevant to the way in which the 11 plus tests are organised. Where appropriate, please email photocopies of the relevant documentary evidence to (Note that information provided will not be used in the assessment)
The highest priority will be given to looked after children or previously looked after children. 'Looked after children' are children who are in the care of the local authority or are being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of its social services functions at the time of making an application to the School. 'Previously looked after children' are children, who were looked after but ceased to be because they were adopted (or became subject of a child arrangements order or special guardian order) immediately following being looked after.
Boarding need: The Governors will also make available boarding places, up to the limits of the accommodation, for boys who, in the considered opinion of the Governors, can benefit from residential education and whose suitability on grounds of academic ability is established. E.g. To looked after boys, previously looked after boys, to boys with a demonstrable boarding need, sons of members of the British forces overseas and sons of other key workers and Crown servants working abroad.
I confirm that I consent for the data submitted to be shared between schools, Local Authorities, the assessment body/test provider and understand that the information provided on this form will be used in compliance with the guide to the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). Please check the form carefully before submitting, false information may invalidate the application.