Lancaster Royal
Grammar School

Boarding - Year 7, 8 & 9 Storey House

Storey House is the junior boarding house of LRGS and is home to around forty Year 7, 8 and 9 pupils. Our aim is to provide a warm and supportive atmosphere for the pupils during their earliest time in the school.  To help them settle in, we provide a clear and easy to follow routine.  They also have plenty of free time when they can choose what activities to take part in.

Pupils live in safe and comfortable surroundings


We aim to ensure that the boys enjoy living as part of a community and we all work together to make this a pleasant and positive place to live.  We have a number of experienced duty masters and matrons who offer help and guidance.  There is always someone to ask for help or advice.

Pupils have a wide range of staff they can approach, should they be worried


We aim for the boys’ time in Storey House to be rewarding and productive and that they get as much as they can from the terrific range of activities available in school.

We initially had concerns about boarding, but our son settled well, enjoys being with his friends at the boarding house and could not bear to be at any other school!

(Boarding parent)