Professor AC Grayling

As part of Litfest 2024, on Friday we were honored to host their philosopher in residence, Professor A C Grayling.
Thank you for the thought-provoking assembly and for taking a Q and A session with our Sixth Form students.
In an age when the importance of STEM subjects is rightly emphasised, there is a tendency to forget that the Humanities – literature, history, philosophy, languages, the classics – are also very important, and both society and individuals need them for their civilisational values and the quality of their personal life. Professor AC Grayling explained why.
A. C. Grayling is the Founder and Principal of the New College of the Humanities at Northeastern University, London, and its Professor of Philosophy. Among his many books are The God Argument, Democracy and Its Crisis, The History of Philosophy, The Good State and Philosophy and Life. He has been a regular contributor to The Times, Guardian, Financial Times, Independent on Sunday, Economist, New Statesman, Prospect and New European. He has appeared frequently on radio and TV, including Newsnight and CNN News.