Thirteen Oxbridge Offers

Thirteen Sixth Form students are celebrating having received offers from Oxford and Cambridge University.
Eight pupils have received offers to Oxford University to go on to study Physics, Classics, Philosophy, Politics and Economics, History, Chemistry and Economics.
Five pupils have received offers to Cambridge University to study Computer Science, Natural Sciences, Engineering and one pupil has been awarded an Organ Scholarship into Christ’s College to read Computer Science.
Headmaster Dr Chris Pyle said: “It is excellent to see our students’ ambition and hard work. Applying to Oxford and Cambridge is one of the most competitive academic challenges for any Sixth Former. I am delighted for those who have received offers across the whole range of Arts and Science subjects, and wish them every success as they work towards the summer exams. Well done to all of our Sixth Formers who have gained offers from a wide range of top universities, medical schools and high quality apprenticeships. I hope that their success will also inspire many younger students to aim equally high.”
Head of Sixth Form, Sarah Haigh said: “These boys all worked incredibly hard on their applications and deserve this good news. I'm sure they'll thrive on their chosen courses at Oxford and Cambridge."
Congratulations go to all of our Upper Sixth students who are currently receiving offers on a range of highly competitive courses at many of the top universities around the country.