Engineering Insight Fortnight

As part of the careers programme, we are dedicating time each half-term to a different career sector, starting with Engineering.
All events will take place at lunchtime, the first started on the 1 December with a panel presentation followed by Q&A from 5 guest speakers working within Engineering including; Dr Shorna Pal, Enterprise Advisor, Oliver Conway (Old Lancastrian) from BAE seconded to the MOD, Andy Malcolm from BAE, Ethan Elliot (Old Lancastrian), and a BAE Apprentice and Dr Steven Quayle from Lancaster University School of Engineering.
We are very lucky to have been able to attract so many interesting guest speakers to support our careers programme.
Over the coming weeks we are looking forward to hearing from Oliver and Tim Viney on Land Surveying, Alan Reid MBE and Chartered Engineer, Dr Richa Soni, an Environmental Engineer, Ricardo Alarcon Barragan from EDF, and Dave Piercey (Old Lancastrian) from British Gypsum.
All events are open to all year groups.