Debaters are Regional Champions

Congratulations to our debating team who are the NW & North Wales regional champions in The English-Speaking Union Mace Debate competition.
Competitors came from Manchester Grammar, North Halifax Grammar, Altrincham Grammar School for Girls, Huddersfield Grammar School and Liverpool College.
Oskar, Alice and Sandy spoke really well and the judge said we had clearly worked well together as a team, we had the best first speaker of the night, as well as the best paced speaker and the only summary speaker to answer their question from the floor.
Thanks and well done also go to Iona, Tayo, Juan, Anthony and Matthew who prepped our team very well and asked probing questions to the opposition teams.
Thanks to Huddersfield Grammar School for hosting and well done to all of the other competitors.
We’re looking forward to Finals Day and will compete again on 18th April at Dartmouth House in London.
A special mention also goes to Mr Thompson who drove the team to Huddersfield and navigated the motorway junction closures on the way back!