Headmaster's Blog
- 04/02/25
"If you were recommending LRGS ..."
"If you were recommending LRGS to another parent, what would you say?" These are just a few of the 788 replies to that question from our last parental questionnaire - with many thanks to our families for their partnership and for all their support! My boys have loved the school and...Read Full Story - 14/01/25
Making things happen
Getting things done is useful. But magic starts when people make things happen. We are fortunate at LRGS to have many great supporters who help to do just that. Thank you to the Friends of LRGS, our brilliant parents’ association, who run dozens of social activities, fu...Read Full Story - 09/12/24
Duchy of Lancaster Awards
The school enjoys a long association with the Duchy of Lancaster, which is part of the King’s estate. We are grateful to the Duchy for an annual grant to support our pupils. That grant allows LRGS students (Year 10 upwards) to apply for up to £500 for a project of their cho...Read Full Story - 17/11/24
Great stories start right here!
That’s the message of the New Building stairs which artist Helen Ashton decorated to celebrate some of our extraordinary alumni – one step per former pupil. Their stories are fascinating and diverse. Some of them have enjoyed coming back to see their step! Actor Sean Gilder is shown h...Read Full Story - 01/10/24
Three-dimensional education
“Life shrinks or expands according to one's courage.” Those words rang out at a recent memorial event for Michael Davies, History teacher and founder of Parallel Histories, who very sadly died in July 2024.Read Full Story - 09/09/24
A school of giants!
September is full of possibilities. It is exciting to welcome new Year 7 and Lower Sixth students, and boarders in other year groups too. I told the Lower Sixth this story about Russian dolls. David Ogilvy founded the advertising agency which bears his name. He used to...Read Full Story - 20/12/23
Northern Grammar Schools working together
Grammar schools in Lancashire, Yorkshire and Cumbria have agreed to collaborate and share best practice through the formation of the Northern Grammar Schools Alliance. The Northern Grammar Schools Alliance is a network of excellence for selective schools to share expertise and develop new opportu...Read Full Story - 16/10/22
The power of philanthropy
A visitor to a great old Cambridge college was struck by its perfect lawns. She found a gardener mowing the grass, and asked how he achieved such quality. “Well,” said the gardener, “the first five hundred years are the hardest…” We are celebr...Read Full Story - 02/03/21
Testing times!
Huge thanks to our COVID testing team of staff and volunteers. At the start of this term they transformed our Assembly Hall into a lateral flow testing facility – with immense professionalism, from a standing start. It is amazing what energy and goodwill can conjure out of thin a...Read Full Story - 06/11/20
Remembrance and Springtime
Schools are powerful places for remembrance. An unbroken chain links stories of loss to our lively pupils today. They sat where we sit; they walked up the hill we know so well. Jack Mockett was the first of 110 former LRGS pupils to be killed in the Second World War...Read Full Story - 03/09/20
Solvitur ambulando
For a while we imagined that September was a finish line ahead. For the school – the end of weeks of planning. For pupils and parents, the end of five long months at home. But it was actually a start line, of course. A new school year sets everything in motion...Read Full Story - 16/04/20
Wish you were here!
There have been many encouragements amongst the upheaval and emotions of recent weeks. Feedback on our first weeks of remote online teaching has been extremely positive, as we try to weave straw into gold. We are learning again what a precious and remarkable community we share...Read Full Story