Lancaster Royal
Grammar School

Is it expensive?

A group of governors and staff met before the start of term to look ahead at the school’s plans and priorities. 

One governor said that a neighbour had asked him: “Is it expensive?” 

No, it isn’t expensive.  We are a state school and education is free. 

That group’s shared conviction is that LRGS exists to open doors of opportunity for boys from every street in Lancaster, Morecambe and beyond.  That’s what the grammar school is for – including InspirUS

We are very much aware of the costs of sending a child to secondary school.  We make sure that our costs of uniform and sports kit (from Uniform and Leisurewear) are in line with all the other local schools. 

The Friends shop is open on Fridays after school and Saturday mornings, selling high quality second hand uniform and sports kit (and much else!), and is always looking for donations too. 

Former LRGS pupils have funded two sources of financial support

  • The Lune Scholarship supports families in all year groups with costs such as uniform, bus fares and music lessons. 
  • The Opportunities Fund gives grants to families applying for a place on a school trip which they could not otherwise afford. 

Pupil premium funding from the government is dedicated to the support of pupils eligible for free school meals at any point in the past six years.

In the Sixth Form, there are also means-tested Sixth Form bursary funds. 

Former students can also apply for support for travel grants and postgraduate study thanks to the generosity of the Countess Eleanor Peel fund


